Provision Division B, Volume 2 Emergency Change (2) Sentence was changed to read Except as provided in Article, Tthe structural loads referred to in Sentence (1) and their related effects shall include A (2)(c) Last part of Appendix Note was changed to read (see Article for deflections and drift limits for post-disaster buildings).
The sentence has been reworded to make it clear that the earthquake design of all structural components must conform to Article The pages of the Code affected by this emergency change have been updated for your convenience they are provided following the table. These changes are necessary as the original wording can be misinterpreted to mean that structural components of buildings associated with the building envelope do not need to be designed for earthquake unless the building is classified as a post-disaster building. Their immediate release was approved by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes for reasons of safety. 1 National Building Code of Canada 2010 Emergency Change Issued by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes The table that follows lists two emergency changes that apply to the National Building Code of Canada 2010 (NBC).